Videos from Prior Events

2012 · 2013 · 2015 · 2016 · 2017 · 2018 · Speaker Preparation


Node Summit 2015 - Setting Node Free: Building Autonomous Applications on Codius

Codius is an open hosting protocol that makes it easy to build…

Node Summit 2015 - Road Trip! From .NET to Node.js

Learn about the journey a team of .NET developers took in moving…

Node Summit 2015 - How PayPal Built an Experience Platform Leveraging Javascript and Node.js

Hear how Node.js and an all Javascript development stack helped…

Node Summit 2015 - Production Ready Node Architectures

Heroku is home to thousands of Node applications, and as a result…

Node Summit 2015 - Day Zero: Advanced API Design and Management

In this workshop, we will cover best practices for designing…

Node Summit 2015 - Day Zero: Node.js Continuous Integration to Delivery

In this workshop I’ll show the steps to get from minimal project,…

Node Summit 2015 - Day Zero: Building Node.js Microservices

Today’s world is API-driven. Avoid the pitfalls of monolithic…

Node Summit 2015 - Day Zero: Node.js Dependency Management for Large-Scale Deployments

Composing a feature-rich solution from smaller Node.js modules…

Node Summit 2015 - Day Zero: NodeSchool - Node Fundamentals

Learning means doing, and in the node.js community that means…